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Organization Profile

New England Center and Home for Veterans


MISSION To extend a helping hand to homeless men and women veterans who are addressing the challenges of addiction, trauma, severe and persistent mental illness, and/or unemployment, and who will commit themselves to sobriety, non-violence, and working for personal change. DESCRIPTION The New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) is a substance-free, not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating a one-stop service center to empower homeless veterans to address the issues leading to homelessness and unemployment and to gain the tools to move toward independent living. NECHV provides a wide spectrum of supportive services that include housing, counseling, vocational training, job search workshops, living skills and health-related programs. NECHV is recognized as one of the most effective private veteran's transition programs in the country. Since the center opened in 1990, many renovations and programs have been implemented throughout the shelter including emergency and transitional housing, a 16-bed female dormitory, 59 single room occupancy units, a medical center, and a state-of-the-art food services facility. IMPACT The New England Center is the nation's first and largest veteran-specific homeless shelter. The Shelter’s proven program for homeless and at-risk veterans has a track record of success founded on veterans helping veterans. Their program is one of the nation's best because it draws on veterans’ shared experiences with fellow veterans who are succeeding at bettering themselves.

Hunger & Homelessness

Common Messages