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Organization Profile

My Sister's Keeper


MISSION: To work together as a women-led humanitarian action initiative to lend assistance to communities of women in various locations around the world. DESCRIPTION: My Sister’s Keeper assists, protects and advocates for formerly enslaved women of Southern Sudan. By learning about their needs, My Sister’s Keeper supports their aspirations for economic, educational and physical vitality. The organization is partnered with women in Gogrial County in Southern Sudan and focuses on women and girls, providing them educational opportunities for empowerment and leadership. My Sister’s Keeper is in the process of building a school in the village of Akon for these young women. IMPACT: In 2003, My Sister’s Keeper established the Akon School for girls, which is now under construction. The organization is aiding in the effort to build leadership and peace within a war-torn area of Sudan.

Health & Wellness
People with Health-based Concerns

Common Messages