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Opportunity Details

New Volunteer Orientation: Online

Boston Cares is a flexible volunteer agency that connects individuals with volunteer opportunities throughout Greater Boston. To become a Boston Cares member and begin signing up for projects through our year-round Calendar Program, you must attend a brief, one-time New Volunteer Orientation. Every orientation covers the same material, so feel free to sign up for the session that best fits your schedule.

*New Volunteer Orientations are conducted virtually via Zoom. A meeting link will be emailed a couple of hours prior to the Orientation. 

Individuals who have completed a New Volunteer Orientation have access to approximately 350 service projects each month, ranging from 1 to 6 hours. Our web-based system allows volunteers to register online for projects in advance and also to track and print out their volunteering history. This is an honor system and all volunteers are expected to accurately record their volunteer service.

Registration Fee: Please Note that Boston Cares collects a one-time registration fee of $35 from all new members which helps us cover a small portion of the costs associated with providing programs to both our volunteers and our community partners. We offer a reduced fee of $20 for college students, senior citizens, people currently unemployed, and veterans of the United States Armed Services.

If you are currently a high school student, serving in the Armed Services, or enrolled in a Service Year program (e.g. AmeriCorps, Jesuit Volunteer Corps, etc.), your fee can be waived. Additionally, we understand many of our community members are facing unique financial challenges at this time and will waive the fee for those facing financial hardship to prevent any barriers to serving. You can request a fee waiver via the form linked in the Registration Fee Form. 

The fee can be paid online via our New Volunteer Orientation Payments. 

Court Ordered Service: If you are doing court-ordered service, you may be able to complete your hours through Boston Cares. Please contact the Trial Court Community Service Program to confirm your eligibility.

Youth-friendly, 13+. All youth may register and attend orientations on their own. All volunteers under 18 years old must bring a Permission Form signed by a parent or guardian to give to the Project Leader. Please email volunteers@bostoncares.org or call 617-422-0910 if you have any questions.

Boston Cares Terms and Conditions: When you sign up for this orientation, you will be prompted to read and agree to Boston Cares Terms and Conditions, which are viewable here. Please email volunteers@bostoncares.org with any questions.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: At Boston Cares, we recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental values that guide our mission and work. Boston Cares is committed to creating a community where everyone is valued, respected, and can come and participate as their authentic selves. We expect that all volunteers and partners join us in promoting a safe and supportive space for everyone.
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available. Here are the next available dates and times.
Civic & Community

Age Minimum (with Adult): 13+, Minimum Age:13+

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Choose a Date

Virtual, MA, 02129
Anna Houston

After Expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will be notified of your interest and will contact you with further details or to schedule you for this opportunity.

Virtual, MA, 02129
Lauren Laserte

After Expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will be notified of your interest and will contact you with further details or to schedule you for this opportunity.

Virtual, MA, 02129
Anna Houston

After Expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will be notified of your interest and will contact you with further details or to schedule you for this opportunity.

Virtual, MA, 02129
Trish Fontanilla

After Expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will be notified of your interest and will contact you with further details or to schedule you for this opportunity.

Virtual, MA, 02129
Trish Fontanilla

After Expressing interest, the Opportunity Leader will be notified of your interest and will contact you with further details or to schedule you for this opportunity.

Log in or Register

In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

By clicking SUBMIT and registering for the Boston Cares New Volunteer Orientation, I agree to Boston Cares Terms and Conditions: https://cutt.ly/wtkgJpV

Common Messages

Common Messages