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Opportunity Details

Prepare, Pack, and Distribute Meals for My Brother's Table

About this project: My Brother's Table is a soup kitchen in Lynn that serves free meals to anyone who comes to their door in need. They are open 365 days a year and believe hospitality is just as important as the food they serve. They have been providing close to 1 million free meals each year since March of 2020. Everyone is welcome at My Brother's Table with no screening or questions asked.
Volunteers help with a variety of tasks every day of the year. Everything from making sandwiches to coffee service to preparing and serving the hot meals to the guests. They have recently finished renovating their dining room space and guests can now eat inside again after only offering to-go since the pandemic. On weekdays they serve soup and sandwiches from 12:00 to 4:00 and a hot meal from 4:00 to 6:00. On weekends a hot meal is served from 2:00 to 4:30. Volunteers are vital in helping to prepare and serve these meals to guests. Volunteers are welcome to sign-up for multiple shifts on the same day if their schedule allows.  If you cannot make a shift and cannot delete your sign up on Boston Cares please email jason@mybrotherstable.org to let them know.

Credit and Signing In:  There is a 3 ring binder in the front office that volunteers should sign into on weekdays. On weekends there is a binder in the dining room where volunteers should sign in. This will allow them to confirm your hours on the Boston Cares site.  Credit is typically updated weekly.
Address of Volunteer Opportunity: 98 Willow Street Lynn, MA 01901
MBTA Accessibility: Oxford St @ Washington St (Bus Stop), Washington St @ Munroe St (Bus Stop)
Parking and directions: This project takes place in Lynn, MA. There is a parking lot for the kitchen right across the way on Liberty Street across from Barker Court.  You can also park on the street for up to 2 hours.  Please sign up for a shift below and you will be sent the exact address. On weekdays, ring the bell on Willow street to be let in.  On weekends, for the 12:00 shift please go to the loading dock around back on Washington street and ring the bell (across from the Gas Station and up the stairs next to their loading dock).  For the 2:30 shift you can enter through the guest entrance which is in the courtyard just to the right of the front door.
Youth-Friendly: Ages 10 and up welcome (children aged 10-14 must be accompanied by an adult).
English Learner Friendly:  Many shifts (especially the 10:30 to 1:00 shift) have at least one Spanish speaker on staff. Many tasks are easy to learn with minimal English skills necessary.

At Boston Cares, we recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental values that guide our mission and work. Boston Cares is committed to creating a community where everyone is valued, respected, and can come and participate as their authentic selves. We expect that all volunteers and partners join us in promoting a safe and supportive space for everyone.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available. Here are the next available dates and times.
Hunger & Homelessness
Families, Homeless, Low-income Communities, People with Disabilities, Other, Military/Veterans

Age Minimum (with Adult): 10+, Minimum Age:12+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

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Common Messages

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