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The world is changing, and we are too. We are excited to launch an updated look for Boston Cares, bringing our visual brand more inline with the 2020 version of our organization. Check out the videos below to learn more about what we've been up to this year, or click below to support our work.
We've been around nearly 30 years, and our previous look has been with us almost as long. We felt it was time to update our visual brand to better align with the modern, dynamic organization we are today. With pro-bono support from Hedrick, a brand strategy and design agency for nonprofits and purpose-driven brands, we worked to identify what we needed - something clean and simple, with an image that can be easily adjusted for mobile and social media, while conveying the core of who we are. The result is a heart-like image that ties to "Cares" and alludes to the volunteers and partners we bring together, with colors that align with our affiliation with the Points of Light Global Network.
Click below to hear from our Executive Director, Sara Hamilton, about our new look!