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Boston Cares is partnering with The Greater Boston Food Bank to provide centralized volunteer recruitment and coordination to meet the emerging needs of our network of partner hunger-relief agencies, including food pantries, community meal programs and other food assistance providers throughout the nine counties and 190 towns and cities across Eastern Massachusetts. 

We value the health of our community and are following guidelines provided by the CDC, state and local public health officials. We ask that individuals who aren’t feeling well (especially if you have a fever or cough), have been in contact with someone who is sick, or that have been to countries on the CDC watch list (or are close to someone who has) not to sign-up for a volunteer shift.

If you are not already a Boston Cares member, you will first need to create an account here before signing up for a volunteer shift. Then, you will need to sign up to attend a one-hour virtual New Volunteer Orientation! Once registered and your Orientation is complete, click each yellow title to be taken to a page to sign up for a specific date and time.  After signing up for an event you will receive an automatic confirmation email that includes specific address information for your project.  


Volunteer Opportunities:

GBFB hunger-relief agencies will continue to distribute food to meet the emerging needs of our network.  Volunteers are needed to assist with packing and distribution of food at the following locations.  Hours of operation vary by location.  Click a location to learn more and register for a shift.

East End House Food Pantry (East Cambridge): 

Fourth Presbyterian Church Food Pantry (South Boston):

Greater Boston Food Bank Mobile Pantry (Lawrence):

Greater Boston Nazarene Compassionate Center (GBNCC) Food Pantry (Mattapan): 

Holy Taburnacle Food Pantry

My Brother's Table (Lynn)


Common Messages