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About Us

Boston Cares is the largest volunteer agency in New England, a member of the Points of Light Global Network, and an award-winning leader in the volunteer engagement sector. Filling more than 20,000 volunteer spots annually in support of more than 150 Greater Boston schools and non-profit agencies, we offer a wide array of programs and opportunities that make it simple for you to volunteer no matter how busy your schedule. We believe volunteers transform communities through service and civic engagement.

Ready to Join Us?

Become a Volunteer Leader --- Take the Next Steps with Boston Cares!

Volunteer Leaders (VLs) are an integral part of the Boston Cares experience. They serve as liaisons between volunteers, agency partners, and Boston Cares to ensure a positive experience for all. Projects posted on our Calendar are led by Volunteer Leaders who coordinate between volunteers and the agency partner ahead of the project, meet volunteers onsite, and help ensure the project goes smoothly. VLs are what allow Boston Cares to have so many projects - without VLs, there would be no projects on our Calendar for volunteers to serve our community!

Becoming a leader with Boston Cares is a great personal and professional development opportunity! Leaders support projects and volunteers by facilitating communication between Boston Cares, the agency partner, and volunteers, leading volunteers onsite at the project, and problem-solving when issues come up to ensure that the project goes smoothly. Some skills you can expect to grow as a VL include: communication, public speaking, leadership, experience working with people of different backgrounds and cultures, and problem-solving.

Sign up for a VL Training Session!

Join us on April 24th at 12pm for an interactive webinar on how you can take your volunteer experience to the next level by joining a nonprofit board. Learn more and register here.

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