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Join Boston Cares this Monday, September 11th, in proud partnership with 9/11 Dayto observe the 22nd anniversary through service.

After packing over 100,00 meals last year in commemoration of those lost on 9/11, our goal for 2023 is even greater, and with the help of volunteers from all across Boston, we will pack over 300,000 healthy, non-perishable meals at Boston University's Agganis Arena!

Join Boston Cares and our partners 9/11 Day and Meals of Hope in executing this incredible day of service by helping with event set up, serving as a table leader, running food and supplies, logistics, hospitality, registration, and more. Sign up below for a shift, or join us all day!

Additionally, on Sunday, September 10th, volunteers are also welcome to help set up the event space: prepping assembly lines, hanging signage, and preparing for the day of service ahead.


Monday, September 11th

Shift 1 - 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM    |    Shift 2 - 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM   Shift 3 - 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

        Register Now!                        Register Now!                      Register Now!


Sunday, September 10th

Prep Shift - 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Registration FULL!


Other ways to observe September 11th:

Interested in additional ways to serve your community on 9/11? Check out the Americorps 9/11 Day of Service Toolkit to learn more about self-starter projects and other ways to commemorate the day.

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